Printable Graphic Organizer: Inverted Triangle
Inverted Triangle
The inverted triangle graphic organizer helps writers create a
hierarchical structure for their information. When you need to
show the differences between the thesis, its general support, and
its detailed support, the inverted triangle can be useful.
This style of graphic organizer allows writers to see the structure
of the content, which is especially useful for visual people. If you
like to see information laid out to show what is most important,
the inverted triangle may work well. Writers can use this
organizer for pieces on current events, blogs, journalism, history,
stories, communications, and essays. Its flexible nature makes it
fit easily into different writing needs.
What is a graphic organizer?
A graphic organizer is a visual tool that writers use when
planning a piece of writing. There are many styles of graphic
organizers such as: outline, 5Ws, Venn diagram, 3 column notes,
visual cluster, inverted triangle, KWL (know, want to know, learn),
plot diagram, and there are many more.
Different graphic organizers tend to appeal to different writers.
For example, some writers use only the traditional outline for all
of their planning needs, while others will switch between
organizers depending on the writing style.
How can writers use graphic organizers?
Writers use graphic organizers in the planning stage of the
writing process, which is just after the brainstorming stage. Take
the valuable information from the brainstorming and add it to
the graphic organizer. This process allows writers to keep their
important information which can be used in writing the first